
Rojberr Dotfiles ~/.* | Gh-pages ๐Ÿ“š

~/.* Here you will find files I use to configure my Linux/MacOS workstations.

The idea behind this repo is that it can be used on any system thatโ€™s running a Bash shell. Just clone the repo, run and install everything with the script. Use with Linux/MacOS/WSL. Supports both Apple Silicon (M1) and Intel chips.

Take a look at the Documentation page or dotfiles Wiki

Deploy .files Docu to Pages

Perfect setup


Whatโ€™s in here?

The configuration files are used by symlinks to config location.

Installation ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป

The only pre-requisite is to install Git.

git config --global "your name"
git config --global ""
git config --global github.user "your-github-username"

Disclaimer: This is my personal solution! You may need to customize it a bit to make it work with your machine. You can use different branches for different computers, you can replicate you configuration easily on new installation.

To install dotfiles and update your desktop run:

git clone ~/dotfiles && cd ~/dotfiles && set -- -f; source ./

For more information take a look at the Documentation page or dotfiles Wiki ๐Ÿ™‚


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